Elevators have become a part and parcel of our modern life. At one time, it was considered as a luxury item and was found installed in the houses or offices of the aristocrats. But in this modern century, the picture is completely different. Now, elevators have been regarded as an inseparable part of our everyday life. The use of elevators is now everywhere. Once an elevator is already installed in your life, you start depending on it greatly. Whether it is a residential house or a corporate house, the application of elevators is everywhere. But the installation of elevators is not a child’s game. It is a very crucial task to be done with proper planning. Hence, here are some tips to overcome the risk factors normally associated with the installation of modern and sophisticated elevators.
- Getting stuck in an Elevator:
It is a common occurrence for an elevator. It may stop moving anytime for any technical faults. You start feeling embarrassed inside. Take a few notes on dos and don’ts at that time.
Do’s – (a) Hold your nerves steady. It depends upon the number of passengers. Don’t over breath due to panic. It makes the inner air heavy. (b) Ring the alarm. Try to get the attraction of others to be informed. Let the technical person come, be patient till then. (c) Use another means to communicate. Use your cell phones to call emergency services it the network is available. (d) Better to divert your mind in any other thoughts for the time being.
- Cleaning of an elevator.
Elevators need regular maintenance. Cleaning them is a part of that. It depends upon the cleanliness of the premises where the elevator is working. So, keep the buildings tidy. The dirt and trash generally jumbled up on the tracks of the doors. Use any vacuum cleaner to remove them from the door tracks. In large cases, commercial elevators are made up of stainless steel, hence easy to handle. Rinse the walls and mirrors. Also, properly clean the lights and fans inside.

- Safety methods for children.
Children get fun out of the elevator. They like to enjoy moving ups and downs. Being parents teach them the proper use of it.
- i) Tell them not to rush when embarking. Let it stop properly, then to get in.
- ii) Teach them not to push random buttons. First, to select where to go then to press the right button.
iii) Set a good example before them. Teach them how to get in and out of an elevator so that any part of the body is not between the doors.
- Waiting for the lift:
It is not always that you got your turn to get in the elevator at once. Many times, you have to wait for it. Be patient at this particular time. People became impatient and kept on pressing the buttons. Never do so. Understand that the time is prefixed, and, in any case, that time will be taken by the elevator; you can’t change it. Better distract your mind in any other job. Let it move in its own way.

- Go for modern elevators:
Check the age of your lift. Updation is available in every field. Hence, update your elevator also. It saves electric consumption. It lowers the maintenance cost. Also, you are free for any uncertainty of break-down. Take the suggestion from the manufacturing company. If that not satisfies you, go for any reputed elevator company, but make it.
These are a few points to keep in mind while you are a regular user of the elevator. It will help you.
- Always Instal Elevators of Reputed Elevator Companies.
This is a very significant matter, and we must be careful of it. We should always insist on the sophisticated elevators designed and manufactured by a highly reputed snd popular elevator brand plying in the market. There are lots of elevator companies in the market. Not all of them are highly reliable and trusted ones. Many non-reputed and amateur lift companies are also present in the industry. The elevators of such companies are not so updated and modern. They are not based on the updated techniques used by the top elevator companies. These elevators are naturally technologically strong, and after some days of their installation, they start creating problems. Hence, you should always take the sophisticated elevators from modern elevator companies to walk with age.
Frankson Elevators and Escalators is one such elevator company that offers you safe and lucrative elevators and escalators.